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How Libraries are Using Color

Identify Different Branches

Color imprints, color stripes, and colored library codes can be used to identify items from different branches.

Deter Theft

Some colors are not easily reproduced on a color copier. If your library experiences theft problems, color can be a solution.

Make Reshelving Simpler

Color-coded spine labels make shelving simpler and mis-shelved books are easily identified.

Distinguish Items & Patrons

The first number in your human readable number can be color coded to help distinguish item labels from patron labels.

Assist Self-Scanning Patrons

A color-coded barcode label helps patrons quickly recognize the library’s barcode label from the book’s UPC code.

Sharpen Library Image

Color logos, color stripes, or color imprints make for a more interesting and visually appealing label.

Simplify Manual Entry & Book Renewal

The sequential part of the human readable number can be printed in color to stand out from the other numbers. This makes manual entry easier, when necessary. And, patron phone renewals are even quicker than before.

Mark Special Collections

Color assists in keeping special collections clearly marked. Books with different check-out policies are easily identified.

Library Label Terminology

Snapshot Digital Photocolor Imaging:

State-of-the-art digital printing technology used to produce the highest resolution barcodes and graphics available.


The symbology is the language of the barcode symbol. The most common types used by libraries are Codabar and Code 39. Code 39 can be numeric or alphanumeric.

Check Digit:

A check digit is the last number in the barcode whose value is mathematically based on the other characters included in the barcode. It is used to check the accuracy of the read.

Smart Label:

A label printed with specific information that is formatted from your data usually containing the author, title, and call number plus the barcode and human readable number. These labels are custom designed to your exact specifications. Data for your smart labels can be sent directly to our FTP server via the internet.

Two-Part Double Labels:

A two-part double label is a two-label set consisting of a larger top label containing the library name, barcode, and human readable number and a smaller bottom label containing a matching human readable number only. The label set is considered one unit and is priced as such.

Dumb Label:

A sequentially numbered label that is assigned to each item and patron similar to how a license plate is assigned to a car. Typically, the label contains the library name, barcode, and human readable number.

2up Labels:

2up labels are supplied in pairs with both labels being identical. It may be helpful to think of 2up labels as identical twins. When ordering 2up labels, follow this example: 10,000 labels = 5,000 2up. This means 5,000 numbers will be used and two identical labels will be produced per number for a total of 10,000 labels. Pricing is based on the total quantity of labels.

Why Choose Watson Label Products

Over 60 Years of Experience

Watson Label Products has produced library labels since the advent of Library Automation Technology.

Ordering is Easy

Our friendly, knowledgeable staff is ready to assist you. Call: 800-678-6715.

Assistance with Bid Specifications

WLP will work with you to help determine specifications to make sure you get exactly the label or patron card your library needs.

Quick Turnaround

Quotes are turned around within 24 hours, and orders are fulfilled within 2 weeks. Additionally, an order expedite service is available.

Free Color

There is no additional charge for color, including full 4 color process logos, graphics, and text.

Order History

A detailed history of all your orders is kept on file and referenced each time an order is placed to ensure sequential integrity.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Your complete satisfaction with our products is our #1 goal!

View Our Other Library Products

Off-Site Storage Labels

Off-Site Storage Labels

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Library Patron ID Cards

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Watson has been producing barcodes for Columbia University Libraries for almost a decade. Some of the special labels we have requested required several discussions, but Watson always came up with a perfectly workable solution.

I just wanted to thank you for all of your help, we received the barcodes and they were perfect. We look forward to our future business with Watson Label Products in the near future!

Our labels arrived today and they are in perfect condition. We are so pleased with your service and wanted to thank everyone involved. You exceeded our expectations!

Good teamwork, and more importantly, great customer service! WLP Rocks!

HP Printers

Receive a Free Consultation for Your Project

Give Watson a chance to become the supplier and partner you need to provide solutions for your most demanding bar code, labeling, flexible packaging, and specialty printing needs. Call (800) 678-6715 or fill out the form and one of our label specialists will get in touch with you within 24 hours.

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ISO Badge

3M Preferred Badge